Fly Fishing Collaborative
Human trafficking is a sickening reality in this day and age. And the trafficking of children is especially so. The Fly Fishing Collaborative was instituted to rescue children from human trafficking through the efforts of the fly fishing community. It is a very unique program. The Collaborative builds self-contained, closed-loop aquaponic farms in which a community can raise both fish and vegetables, giving them a self-sustaining life-style that does not require them to sell their children for sustenance.. For more, see here. It has been a very effective tool in eliminating child trafficking where it has been instituted.
They need our help. One of the ways the Collaborative raises funds is through the sale of specially handmade, leather fly wallets filled with flies. I have examined the wallets, and they are made of rich, full-grain leather lined with wool. They have a strong magnetic clasp and are designed to hold 24 salmon or steelhead flies. There are two ways we can assist: (1) contribute flies or cash to the project, (2) purchase the fly wallets and/or other items from them. See them at products. The money goes directly to the building of aquaponic farms.
To contribute flies or money, go to Give and contact Bucky Buchstaber.
Thank you so much for your consideration of this most worthy cause.

The Fly Wallet is made if full grain leather, strongly stitched with magnetic closures.

The wallet is a great way to carry those special imitations for salmon and steelhead and help the children of the world.