Theo’s Recommendations
Theo’s been at it again. He’s in a tying mood and wanted to share some of his favorite patterns. The Goldbead Bomber is very similar to the old Brown Hackle imitation, or the Red Tag. For some reason, peacock herl, brown hackle, and red tag have always made a great searching imitation, both dry and wet. Really, the photos are self-explanatory. Have a look.
Then, there’s the Goldbead Terminator. Not exactly an Arnold look alike. More of a Prince Nymph variant. The flash is a nice addition that substitutes for the white biots of the Prince.
Now for a very interesting concept—the Oval Bead Boatman. Gotta get the hook eye really hot. If you get the bead half way on and no further, it’s there forever. But, a really fun fly to tie. Can’t wait to try it. I can imagine a whole series of flies with oval bead bodies. Great tying concept.
The Goldhead Bomber

The Godhead Bomber is fast and easy to tie and always a good choice for opportunistic fishing.
The Goldhead Terminator

The Goldbead Terminator opens with a gold bead at the head and dubbing ball at the rear of the shank.

Dubbing ball helps spread black biot tails and silver flash material.

Tie in ginger hackle by tip at rear of hook, form a peacock here body, pull silver flash to front along sides of hook.
Oval Bead Boatman

Get it good and hot.

Force bead over eye to melt it onto hook shank.

Tie in black plastic strip at rear of body, pull over top, and tie off, cut away excess.