High Speed Spinning Tool
This weekend I am at the Fly Fishing Show in Somerset, NJ. But before the show, I am taking a day to be with the Mainline Fly Tiers, near Philadelphia, PA. We will have an afternoon fly tying workshop from 2-4 and then an evening program at 7.
My friend, Jay Kapolka, picked me up at the airport. We had dinner together and then he dropped me at my hotel. On the way, he told me he had a present for me. I was a small electric whip to froth milk, but it was modified my bending the end of the whipping wire into a small hoop. He told me that Hans Van Klinken had shown it to him and that he got it at Ikea. Then I remembered that Hans had shown it to me at the EWF show in Munich, Germany, last spring. Being a show, it was all I could do to acknowledge that it was a great tool, and race wildly onward. I wanted to talk to Hans about it, but never got the chance. What a serendipitous way to finally get a chance to not only see it up close, but to actually have one and use it.
Its use? Well, the thin metal wire spins at incredible speed, and with a small hook at the end, it makes the perfect spinning tool. More than perfect—it twists the loop so fast that it’s stunning. Wow, thanks, Jay. And I know where the Ikea store is near us in Portland, OR.

A small hook and it’s a spinning tool,deluxe