Austria Day 1
The day dawned bright and stayed bright. Great for fishing, not so great for catching. However, a few fish cooperated and everyone that fished today caught some fish. I fished the Ager River with an egg fly and other nymphs and hooked six, and landed three. In a stretch that look like the Madison, I hooked and landed a 50 cm (19 ¾ inches) rainbow on a Knotted Egg pattern (which see). It ran out and down and hung the line on an underwater branch. I was able to eventually work it free, and the fish was still there, ready to fight more. Later I took one that was 13 inches. A very large fish took the fly jumped and ran. OK so far, then it ran in front of and around a very large rock and jumped again. Not OK. Still, it was fun to see it jump and tear line off the reel with wild-eyed abandon. Later in the day, I was passing the “aquarium” and noted a particularly nice rainbow holding in the tiny current that flows in from the Ager. I backed away, added 3 feet of 5.5 X (more to come on this in the next day or two), clinched knotted on a size 18 bead head p.t., made a couple of “measuring” casts way ahead of the fish, and then delicately dropped the tiny imitation ahead of the trout. Nothing. Suddenly it tipped up and I saw its mouth open and close. It was a 49 cm (19.25 inches), deep bodied rainbow that fought long and hard. I went to the dry fly only section for the last couple of hours, but saw no fish rising, though I looked long and hard. Tomorrow I’m back on the Ager again.

The Ager is low and very clear, as you can see in this photo of a school of suckers. There were a few trout mixed in with them.

This piece of water remains me of the Madison–deep, swift, and very fishy.