Lynwood Fly Fishing Show day 2
My day started with a Bible study at 7:45. We had a fun and very useful discussion. Then later in the morning it was time for a Power Point presentation on Reading Water. We talked about the three basic biological drives of all living organisms, and then condensed them into: 1. Save your butt, (2) Fill your gut, and (3) Have kids. Protection of one’s life, fish or person, is always the over-riding drive. Second is getting something to eat, and third is reproduction. Knowing this helps us to understand why fish are where fish are in lakes and streams, as well as how to approach them and cast without spooking them.
Then following close on the heels of that presentation was a casting demonstration. Because this is a “show,” it’s not just a demonstration, but one filled with many tips and much fun. Everyone participates, and everyone learns something that they can use in their casting and fishing. Some come up afterward and want to see more detail on the Three Point Grip, or a little more discussion of the “C” Pickup, and so on. All these and much more are on the new casting DVD, The Perfect Cast I, and many get a copy for future reference. I am always happy to sign the cover of the DVD, and to sign books (which I did later in the day at the Author’s Booth).
Right after the casting demo, I gave a fly tying demo on hackling. We looked a variety of methods, including Down and Dirty hackle winding for dry flies, elk hair hackles, fur collars, the Down and Dirty minnow series, and the Hedgehog (tied with a brush style hackle wound on a loop of yarn and folded over the back of the imitation. The hedgehog is a “wow” fly that looks impossibly difficult to tie, but is very easy when one knows the tactic.
Next came the Author Booth, and then it was over. The days fly by, but everyone is so enthusiastic and excited and that makes the effort well worth it.
Next stop Pleasanton, next weekend (Feb20-22). I am offering fly casting classes Saturday and Sunday morning at the show, so if you plan to attend and want to enroll, please contact the Fly Fishing Show and sign up: flyfishingshow.

The crowds are gone, and it’s break down time. Getting ready to head to Pleasanton for next week’s show.