Chile Patagonia Baker Lodge Day 6
We decided to get up very early and fish the rocky stream for big browns in the first light of morning. We started in the section just above the one we fished yesterday. Other in the party went further up river. Exequiel connected with a nice brown and we shot more photos that it deserved. But, since it was the only fish in two days, we figured that we had the right to shoot a ton of pics, and we did. We only had 3 other swirls or follows to the big, black, articulated leeches.
Back at the lodge, we discovered that the others in the party had done much better. Twp big browns were landed and another of gigantic proportions (in the 15 to 18 pound range) was lost to a broken hook. We will have to have our next excursion in the upper waters of the river.

The swift waters of the freestone stream were perfect for spawning browns, but we only managed one nice one that Exequiel took in a deep, swift run.

Exequiel deserves a big smile from the rest of us. A very lovely female with still a bit of her silver lake gown.