Lynwood Fly Show Day 2
Sunday at all shows tend to be a bit slower than Saturday, but the slightly smaller crowd is, none the less, every bit as enthusiast. The programs and demos are well attended and one must still answer a barrage of questions after each event. Good stuff.
The next Fly Show is Pleasanton, next weekend. If you’re in the San Francisco area, head on over to the Pleasanton fair grounds for a great show.

Norm Norlander is a tireless demonstrator, and always has a big crowd around him, watching his seemingly magic hands perform flawlessly with his great rotary vise.

Dave Scadden of North Fork Outdoors has a new boat–and it is a honey. The Fusion is a 24 pound, inflatable cross between a paddle board and a float tube. Its 48 inch width makes it very easy to stand on, and even with a 200 pound person on it, it still only drafts less than 4 inches of water. It is an amazing new water craft. Great work, Dave.

Keith Scott is one wild, and very good, blues guitar man and friend. He was doing gigs in the area and stopped in at the show to visit for half a day. We met at Dave Scadden’s booth, and got some photos with Dave’s new Fusion boat.

There are those casting pointers again. It’s a fun exercise and everyone has a great time participating and learning with a laugh.

The other half of the pointing crowd. The Sunday crowd packed the casting pool for the demo, and we all had fun learning the Wrist Cast, Forearm Assisted Wrist Cast, and Whole Arm Cast, along with stories, some good-natured humor, and tips on learning to better Reach Mend, Shoot Line, the C-pickup, and more.