Theo’s Gold Bead Stone
I’ve been traveling the last few weeks, and my good friend, Theo Bakelaar, has been feeding me information for my blog about tying and fishing. When this came, I got very excited. Talk about simple and fast to tie—and good looking! You be the judge.
These legs and the winging material that Theo has been experimenting with are all being distributed by Hareline Dubbin. Look for them at your favorite shop or at your favorite cataloger.
Here are the tying instructions:
Hook : TMC 212 R # 4 – 6 – 8
Thread: Black
Biots: Black or brown
Goldbead: 4 m/m
Ribbing: Goldwire
Body: Black or brown dubbing
Thorax: J:son realistic nymph legs

Step 5. Tie the legs in just behind the gold bead, and wrap the thread rearward to secure them. Make several wrap at the rear of the thorax.