Steelies from Erie
It’s that time of year when the tributaries of the Great Lakes host their anadromous salmon, steelhead, and browns. Here’s a nice story from Theo Baakelar who fished with Harry Schoel and Chuck Furimsky for steelies on Elk Creek and 18 Mile Creek, tributaries to Lake Erie.

In addition to egg flies, steelhead will fall to buggers, sculpins, and other long fly imitations.

The fishing proved to be exceptional, as it usual is on the Lake Erie tribs. Theo found a good fish right away.

The big steelies fight hard, but with care they can get their picture taken with the angler.

Some of the Steelies show the colors that give them their name.

Others that have been in the river for some time show the classic colors of the rainbow.

Harry found steelies quickly, too.

Lake Erie steelhead are strong and heavy of body, and this fish that harry landed clearly shows.

There were times when both Theo and Harry were connected to steelhead—Double!

Fish like this make the day.

The one that Harry lands is equally big

The steelhead are released to fight another day.