The Fly Fishing Show Somerset Day 3
Sunday, Day 3, at the Somerset Show started at 8 am when I held a Bible Study for a group of a little over 20 people. It was a great time for everyone. At 10 am I gave a demonstration on tying with a spinning loop. We looked at a Down and Dirty Minnow, a Down and Dirty Bugger, a Down and Dirty Sculpin, a Down and Dirty Stonefly, and a Down and Dirty Skater. Definitely a down and dirty time. At 2:45 I gave a Power Point presentation on Reading Waters, and then at 4 pm I signed books for a half hour. A great way to end the show.

Steve Rajeff playing to a large crowd intent on learning more about casting from the World Champion.

My good friend, Simeon Gawesworth, at the Rio booth. Simeon is heavily involved in all the lines that flow out of the Rio factory.