Parachute Floating Nymph–Hendrickson
When the fish get picky in the Hendrickson hatch, it’s time to give them the emerger. The one I use is easy to tie, gets right down in the film at the fish’s level, and looks just right. It uses a dubbing ball for the unfolding wing pads. This is a technique that I first saw on an emerger design by Rene Harrop. Combined with the parachute hackle, this style really give the fish a best “first impression.”

Tie in a fan tail, add the body, tie in a hackle, and add gray dubbing to the thread. Taper the gray dubbing to either end.

Hold the thread straight up above the hook, push the dubbing down onto the hook, wrap trhe thread figure 8 in front and back of the ball, and they go around the base of the ball, parachute-style with the thread. Apply a tiny bit of dubbing to the tying thread to be used for the thorax.