“O”-Ring Line Control
Fly fishing is all about control, and learning to control the fly line is a major part of the overall process. One aspect of line control must occur when shooting line. If you’re simply casting and fussing around, not actually fishing, then what happens to the line during the shoot is not critical. But while fishing, the angler must have continuous and instantaneous control of the line at all times. This is achieved by using the “O”-Ring Line Control system.

Rather than simply dropping the line during the shoot and losing control of the flowing line, the caster forms an “”O” ring by touching the tips of the forefinger and thumb of the line hand and allowing the line to flow through it.

As soon as the shoot is over, the fly rodder simply closes the line hand and grasps the line.

The line hand then moves over and places the line under a finger of the rod hand.

The line is retrieved by stripping from behind the finger of the rod hand.