Steelhead 040510
The steelhead are in, the steelhead are in. So are the suckers, by the thousands. So, we caught steelhead, and we caught suckers. I started the day with an egg fly dropped from the hook of a black and blue collared leech, but soon gave up on the egg fly–too many suckers.
The weather was ideal–30’s early and high 60’s later in the day. The water was a bit turbid from recent rain, but we could see well enough to locate fish and target them specifically. So target them we did. John, “The Grim Reaper,” Beth was top dog for the day, and then some, He skinned all us other dogs, ate our lunch, and in general made messes in our beds. Actually John had his best single day of steelhead fishing, landing—with photos to prove it—8 beautiful fish from 28 to 31 inches long. I landed 5, up to 30 inches, but I also caught the smallest of the day, a 17-inch jack that took the fly away from a much nicer hen fish (which I caught several casts later). Really, I couldn’t get any fishing time in because I had to keep running over to take pictures of John! Can you tell that we had a really great time?
John uses two files, both white. One is a silver shiner and the other is a bunny strip fly with some black barring on it. His rationale is that these fish feed out in the lake on silver baitfish and he’s going to feed ’em something they like. I used several flies. The black and blue is a favorite on the Babine and I wanted to see if these steelhead liked it too. A couple did. Then I caught two on the egg fly, and one on a white leech.

A 25-inch hen that took the black and blue leech.

My nicest fish of the day. Note the cool look with sunglasses firmly in place.

One of John's many fish of the day. Note the cane rod, silk line, and ancient Pflueger 1495 reel.

While John played fisherman, I played camera guy. Nice fish there John.
Great looking steelhead, but where are the photos of the suckers? :) Very nice.
I was afraid to take pictures of them for fear they’d break the camera! They fight really well, but they are ugly suckers!
Hey -First off – I didn’t eat all of your lunch – just 1/3 of your (really good!) homemade bread PB&;J sandwich! Second: Alright – You did generously spend more time than you should have snapping photo’s of me and my beloved steelhead, but an 8 fish steelhead day took me over 30 years to realize, so mathematically you won’t have to do that much “picture taking” of me again until around 2040 or so. By then I’ll be 88 years old and literally “messing your bed” (and mine) and probably just be looking at the photo’s you took 30 years prior ! So, it’s all good..
Last – It is sincerely is an honor and a great pleasure to have chased trout and salmon – worked – made music – and all the rest with you all these years Gary. Sooo.. what’s for lunch next time ? John Beth
PS.. You just need a buffalo plaid shirt and a bigger landing net.
Let’s do it again next week!