Red Hot Steelhead
Steelhead season is upon us in Wisconsin and the Great Lakes in general. We had lots of snow pack and then a fast, warming trend with rain that blew the streams out right proper. A big slug of large steelhead shot in on the flood wave and are now prowling the gravels of our streams in abundance.
A couple of friends went early to see if the fish were there, and they were. Even though the water was a bit high, they caught a large number of very strong fish. Many were chromers, fresh in from the lake, but some were fiery red. There’s an example of what they found, below.
I will be there with bells on, and every other fly I can think of, early Monday morning, ready to receive whatever steelhead want a shot at my fly. I’ll post any and all results Monday evening, fish and successful flies.

A lovely fish with just a bit of red

Now there's a red-hot steelhead!