Dick Blumershine Passes
Nancy and Jason and I started teaching fly fishing schools at the Vermejo Ranch in 1975. The next year, Bob Pelzl, from Albuquerque joined us. And then in 1977, Dick Blumershine and Jim Aubrey came on board. It was a great crew, and for 25 years we held forth at Vermejo, teaching both advanced and introductory schools. All of us got to be great friends, and of course we spent time together as couples. Dick’s wife Bert, like Nancy and Bob’s wife, Beverly, is a fly fisher and enjoyed many hours astream with Dick and the rest of us. Sadly, my long-time friend and excellent casting instructor, Dick, passed away Tuesday morning. I had seen him at the Denver Show, and he was hale and hearty. We had a great chat, even calling Nancy on the cell to chat with her a bit. Though he is gone, we have many fun memories to recall our happy times together. Good-bye, old friend.

Dick Blumershine casting on the Costilla Reservoir at the Vermejo Ranch during a school many years ago. The fishing was great that day, too.