Denver Fly Fishing Show, Day 1
I left home yesterday, but got grounded in Minneapolis by a heavy snow storm. After a night in a local hotel, I continued on to Denver early this morning, getting here at the Merchandise Mart an hour before my first presentation on Fly Tying. This was immediately followed by a program on Nymphing. An hour after that, and a couple of bottles of water for re-hydration, I did a presentation on Advance Fly Casting—advanced because most of the program is on mending.
There was an excellent Friday crowd at the show. Literally at times it was hard to walk the spacious aisles that Chuck has set just to prevent the kind of mob shown in the photo below.

Mob scene on Friday at the Fly Fishing Show at the Merchandise Mart in Denver.
A number of my long time friends are at the show this year, and it’s always good to spend a bit of time and get caught up. Rick Hafele is here this year, and he showed me a beta version of a new nymph fishing app that he is writing for the iPhone. Great stuff–fly fishing has finally gone techno-modern (at last).
Speaking of nymphing, John Rhodes, Jr., who was one of the people in the audience at my Nymphing talk today, asked if I would please post the diagram of my bottom-bouncing nymph leader. So, here it is John, and everyone else that agreed with him and wanted to see it too.

The Unibody Nymphing Leader used when bottom bouncing a nymph.
Gary, thanks for posting the diagram of the nymphing rig. I really enjoyed your talk, your signing your book that I bought, and I also really enjoyed the casting demonstration that you did on Saturday. Thanks for everything. John Rhodes