Archive for the ‘Fishing Venues’ Category

BIG Albies

My friend, Chuck Furimsky headed south last week with his friend, Frank Surjansky, to fish with our mutual friend, Captain Jake Jordan. What a trip it turned out to be. Chuck called to talk about it, and then Jake sent our his email report. Have a look. October 16, 2011; North wind at 15, cold […]

Albies are In

My friend, Cap’t Jake Jordan had a hip replacement done this summer. He made fast and good recovery and is now out chasing the false albacore. These are among the fastest and strongest fish you’ll ever hook on a fly rod. After a 20 minute fight done almost entirely in the backing, the fish surrenders […]

Fall Lakers 2011 Day 3

It’s amazing how dependent we’ve become on computers and the internet. One doesn’t give them a second thought until one or the other is not working. That’s been the problem this last week with our internet service. It’s been out of service. Hopefully it will be back in play with no problems going forward. Now […]

Fall Lakers 2011 day 2

Day two dawned cold, foggy, and overcast. I was more than excited to get out. This is fall laker weather. So after an icy dip in the lake, a shave, and breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon with homemade bread and blackberry jelly, we set out. The others wanted to search for walleyes and probe […]

Fall Lakers 2011 day 1

I’ve just returned from a fall lake trout fishing excursion. I say excursion because we drove 11 hours and then flew and additional 45 minutes into the remote Ontario lake. We fished the same lake last year and got there a week too late. Being the intelligent creatures that we are, we selected a week […]

Trolling and Drifting

Another excerpt from our upcoming book Long Flies. This story is “hot off the press” because it’s a story about a fishing experience I had last week in Alaska. Some anglers have difficulty considering these actual fly fishing tactics, and that’s okay as long as they don’t try to make others stop using these tactics. […]

The Baitfish From L–Upstream

This story is from last week’s Alaska trip and will appear in our forthcoming book, Long Flies. The week was cold, rainy and very windy. We had one afternoon of sun, and that happened to be the day the chums were on the shallow bars.It was fishing extraordinaire, as the story tells.   Alaska’s Alagnak […]

Alaska 2011-1

I’ve just returned from Alaska after a week’s fishing at the No-See-Um Lodge ( with Dave Graebel, Scott Snead, and Les Adams. John Holman, owner of No See Um, did a wonderful job of hosting us and providing positive information on fishing in some of the worst conditions that Alaska can offer in July. It […]

Tarpon on the Fly at Night

Well, my old friend Jake Jordan doesn’t use a Gray Ghost for his tarpon fishing, but he certainly takes a lot of big fish on long flies at night. Night fishing for big browns is very exciting. Imagine what catching a 100 pound-plus tarpon is like–especially with the added thrill of sharks that can’t be […]

Lee Haskin Was at it Again

My old friend and tarpon maniac Lee Haskin was in Belize, and has sent this report. Seems he had a rather good time and got to prove his tying efforts yet again: Back from Belize.  What a great trip. Bad weather most of the week, but plenty of tarpon and permit! The bait was VERY small, and […]