Archive for the ‘Fishing Venues’ Category

Holland Pike

The latest report from Theo is that the big pike are done spawning and ready to eat, bit time. These fish occupy the canals, and there are plenty of canals in Holland. Pike fishing in Europe is a very refined sport, and the huge flies that they tie for these beasts are very creative indeed.

Wind Along the Madison

I realize my posts have been mighty thin these past few weeks due to extensive travels, but I’m back and ready to roll. Watch for posts on the trip and plenty of new stuff on the books and other fishing information. Nancy and I arrived at the Madison River last week amid a horrific windstorm […]

Smith River Montana

For those who don’t know the Smith, it is central Montana river that has restricted (permit by drawing) floating access. It’s a great stream to fish because of its scenic canyon nature and its good populations of  browns, rainbows, and whitefish. They all seem eager to take a dry fly. Recently, our friends Gary and […]

Trout Fishing in Holland

It’s not easy to do, this trout fishing in Holland. There is only one place in Holland with trout in it–Oost Voorne Lake. As Theo Bakelaar relates in a recent email,  it it very hard to catch fish there because the lake is so large and the total number of fish is few. None the […]

Ghost Tarpon

They look big in the daytime, and they are, but at night, they look even bigger, and they look ghostly. Here are a couple of shots from Capt’n Jake Jordan. For those  that  want to experience both the thrill and the terror of fishing for giants at night, this is a particular specialty of Jake’s. […]

Goodwin Lake Report

Steve Rudzinski sent me a couple of photos that he took of a nice 22-inch plus rainbow from Goodwin Lake in central California (see link at right). Steve and I fished together at Goodwin Lake in February, when he also took a number of big rainbows, fishing deep with one of Denny Rickard’s orange Seal […]

Tarpon at Night

My good  friend, Chuck Furimsky, flunder and director of the Fly Fishing Shows, had a chance to fish with our mutual pal, Jake Jordan.. The tarpon were hungry and the weather was cooperative. Here’s Jake’s report. If yoou have time on your schedule, get in touch with Jaske. You will have the time of your […]

Sea Trout in Denmark

Ever notice that fishermen always see the glass a half full? Theo Bakelaar and friends spent a few day in Denmark fishing for sea trout. The winter’s ice had ripped out much of the near-shore weeds, and the bigger fish were not close in. The trip was great, but the fishing mostly for a few […]

The Stonedaddy

Fly tying is the mechanical application of materials to the hook. It can be done by any skilled craftsman, whether that person fishes or not. Fly designing is the process of combining the mechanical skills of fly tying with a knowledge of materials, the physical characteristics and life habits of the fish’s food organisms, the […]

Stonedaddy on the Truckee

In February, while speaking at the Fly Fishing Show in Pleasanton, CA, I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with Doug Ouellette and discuss the fishing in the lower Truckee River. Doug operates the Truckee River Outfitters: For those who have not fished this river, let me say that it produces some rather sizable […]