Archive for the ‘Fishing Venues’ Category

Steelies from Erie

It’s that time of year when the tributaries of the Great Lakes host their anadromous salmon, steelhead, and browns. Here’s a nice story from Theo Baakelar who fished with Harry Schoel and Chuck Furimsky for steelies on Elk Creek and 18 Mile Creek, tributaries to Lake Erie.              

Trouting in South Africa

South Africa has a robust trout population. They were introduced into both lakes and streams near the end of the 1800s. Like trout everywhere, they can be highly selective one day and pigs at the trough the next. Gerrit Redpath send me a note on a recent trouting trip he made  with his family into […]

Eleven is a Good Number

Yesterday, I hooked thirteen fish but only landed five; five is not a good number. Today, I again hooked thirteen fish, but I landed 11 of them. Eleven is a good number. The day started with the decision to hike over the hill into a section of water that I particularly enjoy, and where I […]

Unhook Me, Please, and Once Again, Thanks

This day,day three of my trip,  my friends John Beth and Dale Thompson, were to meet me. John is the one who introduced me to costal water kings many years back, and I always love spending a day fishing with him. I was excited because it looked like it was going to be a hay-day […]

Hooked and Snagged

This day dawned clear and bright, but the cold of last evening was not gone, and even the sun, pouring through the nearly barren branches of streamside trees could not persuade the temperature to get much above the mid 40s F. It was a different day for the kings, too. Like all fish, they get […]

We Love the Cold and Rain

Day One of my fall king salmon fishing opened late. It was a bit after four by the time I got on the water. I could see fish crashing about up the full length of the riffle, and I knew it was going to be a good evening. The sky was leaden, and the wind had […]

Montauk Point Report

Montauk Point is alive with fish as reported by our friend, Capt’n Jake Jordan. He and friends found stripers up to 25 pounds and albies up to 10 pounds in numbers. If you’re in the area and get there, have at ‘em.

The Fabulous Bighorn

To borrow a title from the video of the same name that Jason and I produced in 1986, this year it really is “The Fabulous Bighorn.” From an earlier report that I had from Chuck Furimsky, I knew it was going to be a great year on the ‘Horn, but it turned out to be […]

Harkers Island Albies

Our good friend, Theo Baakelar, has forwarded photos of a trip that he and our mutual friends Chuck Furimsky and Harry Schoel took to Harkers Island in North Carolina last November for false albacore—“albies.” They had a great trip. You can read about it in the photographic story below. The fish will be there this […]

Goodwin Lake Report 91112

I just had a nice note from Steve Rudzinski about the fishing in Goodwin Lake in central California. local guide Bill Ferrero, recently took a 30 inch beast from the lake. Steve subsequently caught a very large rainbow that is certainly in the 30 inch range, but he was not able to get accurate measurements […]