Modify your Thing-A-Ma-Bobbers
Thing-A-Ma-Bobbers are great, especially in very rough water where other indicators are next to impossible to see. But, they have one serious fault, two if you are to believe what everyone says: (1) they score the leader rather seriously, and (2) they kink the leader. The scoring and abrasion comes from the metal eyelet that is inserted in the tab of the indicator. The answer to this is rather easy–get rid of the metal eyelet. The idea came to me while fishing, and I used by scissor pliers to extract the eyelet. But a good pair of needle nose pliers work better. Get a good grip on the eyelet and rip it out–actually I sort of pry and bend the tab and fuss with the eyelet, but it does come out. Now, the leader goes through easier and faster and doesn’t get abraded at all.
Now for the kink. If the newly modified bobber is attached so that the loop of the leader goes around the tab, as shown below, the indicator does not slip up or down on the leader and there are no kinks when the indicator is removed.

Remove the metal eyelet to remove the abrasive nature of the indicator.