Harkers Island Albies
Our good friend, Theo Baakelar, has forwarded photos of a trip that he and our mutual friends Chuck Furimsky and Harry Schoel took to Harkers Island in North Carolina last November for false albacore—“albies.” They had a great trip. You can read about it in the photographic story below. The fish will be there this November, so get your gear ready and start planning now.

Take at least two rods on the 10 to 11 weight category—one equipped with a floating line and one with the fastest descending full sinking line available.

They take the flies hard and fast, and the angler must be ready every second for the power of the strike.

Many anglers fish from boats where they can pursue the fast moving albies, but these fish can also be taken from shore, where one many encounter the island’s ponies.

There they are—this time it really is a school of fast moving albies smashing bait—quick get the fly in the water.

In addition to their beautiful silver blue color, the back of the albie is vermiculated like that of a brook trout.