Tyflyz Toolz Hackle Pliers

Every once in a while someone creates a new and better mouse trap. Here’s the best hackle pliers I’ve seen in many a day. It holds a hackle feather like you can’t believe. It’s super light so it doesn’t break delicate feathers, and it’s formed in a loop so that one can merely insert an index finger in the loop and wrap the feather under constant pressure. It’s my go-to hackle pliers for serious production tying. Try one, and it will be your go-to pliers, too.

You can get them for $12.00 each, postage paid, from Tyflyz Toolz, P. O. 94, Cascade, CO 80809.  Dealers inquires are welcome.

The Tyflyz Toolz hackle pliers are high quality, light weight, and super easy to use.

The Tyflyz Toolz hackle pliers hold the feather better than any others I've used.


  1. Tom Hopkins says:

    Gary, I agree these are the best hackle pliers I have ever used. They are very forgiving if you put too much tension on the hackle and it is also very low profile when wrapping hackle and you get close to the thread/bobbin at the eye of hook. Thanks for the article. I have been looking for the address of Tyflyz Toolz. My friend who I gave these too lost his, and I will replace for him. Thank you. Tom