Fall Lakers 2011 day 2
Day two dawned cold, foggy, and overcast. I was more than excited to get out. This is fall laker weather. So after an icy dip in the lake, a shave, and breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon with homemade bread and blackberry jelly, we set out. The others wanted to search for walleyes and probe other potential spots for lakers. I elected to go back to Rocky Reef and fish there. In the first hour, I had six trout on and landed five. They were all in the 7 to 8 pound category. Then the sun popped out and the day warmed and brightened almost instantly. And just as fast, the lakers dove for deep water. They are fish of the deep—normally residing 60 to 80 feet deep in this lake. They come into the rocky shallows to spawn, and in the bright sun of day, slide out in to water that is 20 to 30 feet deep.
Occasionally I’d see one break the surface out in the bay, and I threw long and hard to get one here and there throughout the remainder of the day. All in all, it was a good day. Warm and relaxing, and good casting practice for most of the day that had started out with an explosive bang.

A shorelunch is mandatory on such expeditions, and we ate hot dogs cooked over and wood fire. They never tasted so good.

I found a few in the bright sun of the afternoon by casting long into the deep water areas and working the Icicle back about 10 feet down.