Somerset Fly Fishing Show day 1

The Show opened with a snow storm that dumped 4 to 6 inches of snow on the region. I had a fly casting class at 8:30 am with 10 students signed up. To my surprise they all showed up on time. I say to my surprise because the storm had only just cleared out and the roads were still a bit sticky and slushy.

We had a great time playing with the grip, the casting stroke, curve casting, mending, and much more. Because we had to be inside, we carried on in the ballroom, with it low ceiling and limited space. It was a very successful class, even so, and the student did well, playing with the Three Point Grip and the Foundation Casting Stroke, the Hook Curve, the Reach Mend, Curve Mend, Parachute Mend, Puddle Mend, and more.

To demonstrate the casts, I sat on a chair and had the student line up on their chairs facing me so they could see the line positioning with the variety of curve casts and mends.

The Show itself was well attended for a snowy day. I was able to make a quick pass through the show later in the afternoon, following my presentation on “Fishing the Film.” Interestingly, there were two European companies offering all the necessities for the tube fly tyer. This sly style is very popular in Europe for Atlantic salmon and sea trout, and find a good following here among Spey fishers for steelhead and salmon.

My friend, Michale Mauri had a successful trip for Steelhead on the Salmon River in New York and gave me a huge “V” for victory sign when I saw him at the show.

Tomorrow promises to be a really busy day at the Show. If  you’re in the area, come on out and say “Hi.”

The "Line Up."

The day 1 crowd was strong.

"V" for victory.

Eumer Tube Flies with all the tube materials needed.

The Tubefly System booth; another complete array of all the necessary tube fly components.

Jim Murphy at the Hardy booth, sitting behind a display of reels.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun!