Steelhead Wave 2
Last week we had another big rain storm that drove the river to 10 times normal flow. Of course, all fishing plans were cancelled. Yesterday, my friends, John Beth and Dale Thompson, couldn’t wait a moment longer, so they tore over and hopped into 600 cfs of cloudy roaring water. Surprise, surprise, the fish were there. Although there was no sight fishing, John and Dale still managed to land five fish–John took 3 males in full dress and Dale two chrome bright females. Then, John hooked a hog. I’ll let you hear it in his own words…
Now, read this carefully (keep in mind I saw the entire fish twice). The last ten minutes I had the fish on… I had a 9′ – 9Wt Sage (12Lb Maxima) bent in a full circle… leaning hard backwards to try to get it to shore… I couldn’t even move it. When it took off down river through the rapids the hook pulled out after a few dozen head shakes.
How big was it? It was twice as wide across the back as the 30 incher I landed – and about twice as deep.. and probably (conservative estimate…) 36-38″… (Gary are you listening :~) It was easily the best male steelhead I’ve had on in 15 years.. Oh well.. so close, but I ran out of options in that big water – especially when I couldn’t bring it in..I couldn’t go down any further, and I couldn’t go left or right… (sniff…)
We all cry with you, John.

All of John's fish were males in full dress.

Dale's fish were chrome-bright females.