Great Waters Expo Day 1
Today is the first day of the Great Waters Expo in Minneapolis. It is being held at the Sheraton South in Bloomington (7800 Normandale Blvd). It’s a great show with a full regalia of vendors and speakers, and it covers the gamut from trout to smallies to carp, muskies, and more. There are fly tying lessons and casting instruction all day every day, as well as seminars, demos, and some great blues.
I gave a presentation on “Presentation” this afternoon and tomorrow (Saturday) will give a presentation on “Really Matching the Hatch” from 10:30 to 11:30 am and a fly tying demonstration from noon until 2:30 pm.
On Sunday, I am scheduled to give a fly tying demo from 9 -11 am, a casting demonstration from 11:45am -12:45pm, and a talk on “Reading the Water” from, 1 – 2 pm.
If you are able to attend the show, look me up and say “Hi.”