Denver Fly Fishing Show, Day 2
Today was a busy one at the show. Lots-o-people, and then some. I held a casting class from 8:30 to 11 am, had a book signing from 11-12, gave a talk entitled “Where the Trout Are,” and finished with a casting talk/demo from 3:15 until 4:15.

The American Gothic Casting Club--my class from this morning. Good work, Y'all.
Yesterday I met Jackson Leong and we talked fly tying for a bit. He told me he likes to do realistic flies, so I asked him to bring some to show me today. He brought his “pet” tarantula fly—it looks like a tarantula. I did pet it, but only with reassurances that it was “just a fly.”

I don't know, Jackson, that thing looks a bit too real.

That is not a fly, it's got to be a freeze-dried tarantula--wait a minute, I saw it move.
Shows are always a great place to see old friends and get caught up on the year’s events. Dave and Emily have been fishing for fresh-water Dorodo, and had some great photos with them. I’ve not caught this species, but they confirmed that all I’ve heard is indeed true.

Dave does not just sign a book, he turns it into a piece of art.

Emily looks gracious even when matting artwork.